July 27, 2024

Man dies while challenging school bus driver for molesting 7-year-old daughter

Man dies while challenging school bus driver for molesting 7-year-old daughter

A 40-year-old man, Olorunfemi Frederick had died during a scuffle with a school bus driver known as Mr. Jacob Fatokin, who was accused of molesting the deceased’s 7-year-old daughter.

Hybrid News Nigeria gathered that the deceased had on Tuesday gone to Luyol School, Iju-Ishaga to confront the driver and the school management on the allegation when the incident happened. 

Mrs Mabel Olorunfemi, the deceased’s wife told www.hybridnewsng.com that her daughter had narrated to her how Jacob had been taking her to his house at Ajuwon, Ogun State to molest her.

Mrs Olorunfemi said she had narrated the same report to her husband after which he immediately called the school and he was asked to come so that the matter could be settled. 

She cried that she never knew that it would be the end of her husband.

In her words: “Last week Wednesday, Feb. 1, my daughter told me that their school bus driver had been taking her to his house at Ajuwon, saying that he needs to drop something at home and that she should follow him.

“When they enter the house, the driver would ask my daughter to sit on his lap, raise her school uniform and kiss him on his mouth. 

“I told my husband what our daughter said on Monday, Feb. 6 in the evening when he came back from work and he immediately called the school that he is reporting the allegation to the police but he was told to come to the school first so we went there Tuesday morning.

“I, my husband and my daughter went to the school on Tuesday morning and we met the school owner, the driver and some of the school teachers. 

“The owner of the school after listening to us then confronted the driver, saying that he had come back late with the school bus, the previous week and when asked, he said he had gone to drop something at home. 

“He was later asked about the allegations levelled against him but he denied. My daughter was then asked and she narrated the same thing she told us at home. The driver couldn’t say anything more than “me, me, me.”

“My husband who was already angry now went to the driver and shouted at him to question why he had molested his daughter. 

“My husband angrily slapped the driver and they started fighting during which he pushed my husband on his chest. My husband then fell down: efforts were made to take him to the hospital. 

“I started crying and praying for my husband as we made effort to rush him to the hospital but he was already showing signs of no life in him before we got to Osuntuyi Hospital where he was confirmed dead,” she said.

The deceased’s wife said the driver absconded after the incident and she subsequently went to Iju Police Station (Red Lion), to report the incident.

The school Director, Mr Akeem however declined to speak on the incident, saying that he currently assisting the police in hunting the Mr Jacob, the school bus driver that absconded. 

Oluwatosin Frederick, the late Olorunfemi’s younger brother also corroborated the deceased’s wife adding that the school bus driver pushed the deceased before he fell down and was subsequently rushed to the hospital.

Oluwatosin however pleaded for justice to be done as his brother’s wife has no job and no idea of how to survive with two kids.

The Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, confirmed the incident, noting that the police were on the trail of the driver and that they would not relenting in bringing their culprit to book.

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