July 27, 2024


CitizenDiary advert dimensions and rates

Description Location Sizes in pixels Rate per day Rates per week Total

  • Full banner Right-had side of the logo (50% surcharge) 460 x 60 {24,110.00 – 168,770}
  • Full banner Middle of the site 460 x 60 {24,110.00 – 168,770}
  • Half banner Right-hand side of the Logo (50% surcharge) 180 x 60 {12,080.00 – 84,560}
  • Skyscraper Left side, under latest news 150 x 400 {35,360.00 – 247,520}
  • Square board Right hand side 300 x 300 {29,290.00 – 205,030}
  • Right hand side 300 x 250 {24,404.00 – 170,828}
  • Right hand side 300 x 200 {19,500.00 – 136,500}
  • Right hand side 300 x 100 {9,500.00 – 66,500}
  • Left hand side 150 x 300 {14,600.00 – 102,200}
  • Sponsored post {50,000.00- 350,000}
  • Text link Maximum of 4 lines under one column {3,500.00 – 24,500}

Page turnover Negotiable

*Special places and locations are negotiable on request.


  • Adverts that appear concurrently on home and other pages will attract a 50% surcharge on Home Page rate
  • Artwork to be provided by advertisers, saved in JPEG, GIF, or SWF format
  • Adverts should be pre-paid before publications. Please click here for Mode of Payment
  • Artwork may be sent by e-mail (as attachment to citizendiaryng@gmail.com or on CD, or flash drive.
  • Advert rates are subject to review.
  • CITIZENDIARY is not responsible for the content of other sites linked from www.citizendiaryng.com
  • All adverts are subject to legal vetting prior to publication.
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