June 18, 2024

Etim Ekpimah

Ogun State government is to reopen schools on Monday, September 21 in the state for the first term of 2020/2021 session in addition to the earlier resumption of students in SS3 who are taking the West African School Certificate Examinations.
A statement from Governor Dapo Abiodun Press Secretary, Kunle Somorin in Abeokuta on Tuesday, noted that the second phase of the reopening of schools has been extended to all classes in primary and secondary schools, technical and vocational colleges, as well as tertiary institutions.
The statement read: “As part of the efforts to meet the COVID-19 guidelines for school operations, the schools’ hours are staggered as follows for public schools. Primary 1 to primary 3, 8am to 11am; Primary 4 to Primary 6, 12noon to 3pm; JSS 1 to JSS3, 8am to 11am; SS1 to SS3, 12 noon to 3pm; technical and vocational will operate their normal school hours of 8.00am to 2.00pm.
“Early Child Care Development and Education classes, that is, 3-5 years of age will not be resuming in public schools until the next phase of schools’ reopening.
“Private schools are also expected to take necessary measures to meet the COVID-19 protocols for physical distancing, among other requirements.”
According to Somorin, tertiary institutions can commence reopening from 21 September 2020 as may be determined by their respective Management.
He added that government had earlier announced that all students had been given automatic promotion to the next class, including automatic placement for primary 6 students in public primary schools into JSS1 of public secondary schools.
He said that primary 6 students desirous of placement into the State-owned boarding schools will sit for the Common Entrance Examination on Saturday, September 12, 2020.
“The hitherto JSS3 students who have now been promoted to SS1 will do their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in October 2020.
“The COVID-19 guidelines earlier issues for reopening of schools are still in effect and include: Provision of Sick bays/Isolation rooms in schools; training and designation of some teachers as first line responders; provision of face masks; infrared thermometers; adequate hand washing facilities and alcohol-based sanitisers for students and teachers in all schools; disinfection of the schools, and suspension of general assembly,” he noted.
He stated that the state government’s approach to COVID-19 pandemic management has been deliberate, focused, inclusive and carefully balanced between life and livelihood and as manifested in the steps government has adopted to the reopening of schools, ensuring safety of children while minimising disruption in their education.
He added, “The guidelines are applicable to all schools in the state whether private or public. I enjoin our students to take full benefits of the reopening of the schools for their education advancement and wish them a very fulfilling 2020/2021 academic year.”

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