June 15, 2024

How to Fix Parity circuit failure: 5 Proven Steps

Parity circuit failure

Parity circuit failure results from malfunctioning hardware or external factors disrupting memory function. To fix, eliminate the external cause or replace the failing hardware. They occur when stored data recall a different value than when stored and are a form of data corruption. 

With the help of proper observation, I was able to run a diagnostic test to solve the problem I faced. In this article, I mentioned the strategies I used to fix the parity circuit failure.

There are various forms of parity errors that can either necessitate the resending of data or result in severe system failures, such as complete system shutdowns.

As you read further, you are going to find out how I personally fix a parity circuit failure I encountered and also provide the necessary precautions to take.

Types and causes of parity circuit failure

Soft parity errors

Soft parity error events are usually temporary and random, occurring only once. Based on the level of data damage. These errors are caused by electromagnetic field conditions

Examples of soft parity errors include;

  • Single Event Functional Interrupts (SEFIs)
  • Single Event Upsets (SEUs)
  • Single Event Transients (SETs)
  • Single Event Latch-ups (SELs)

Hard parity errors

Hard parity errors result from a chip or board malfunction that damages data. The affected component must be reseated or replaced, such as by swapping a memory chip or board. When multiple parity errors happen at the same address, it’s a hard parity error. 

These errors are caused by power surges, overheating, manufacturing defects, or other causes.

Examples of hard parity errors include;

  • Data Corruption
  • Drive Failures
  • Corrupt Memory Chips

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How to fix parity circuit failure

Parity circuit failure can be caused by failing hardware or outside elements disrupting how computer memory functions. Here’s a guide on how I fixed mine and I will be sharing this same knowledge with you in order to fix parity circuit failure;

Check for RAM failure or replace

If you notice that a recent RAM installation is causing a parity circuit failure, try removing the new modules and replacing them with the old ones. If the error disappears, then the issue lies with the new RAM. However, keep in mind that even older RAM can deteriorate over time and lead to parity errors.

Run disk diagnostic tests

To run disk diagnostic tests, you can boot into the system setup or BIOS, locate diagnostic tools provided by the computer’s or disk drive manufacturer, and run the tests, reviewing the results to identify and resolve any issues, and repeating the tests on each disk in the array.

Replace ESD and EMI Sources

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can affect the performance of electronic devices, including your computers, and they might cause “soft” parity circuit failure. 

To minimize the impact of ESD and EMI on your computer, it is recommended to increase the distance between the computer and the source of these disruptions. 

Common sources of ESD and EMI include power cables, power distribution units, lighting systems, power supplies, power generators, and other electronic devices. Any of these can cause system failure if not properly managed.

Additionally, nearby magnets can also cause parity circuit failure. By reducing exposure to these sources, you can reduce the risk of parity errors and improve the performance of your computer.

Document the replacement and update the inventory

To document the replacement and update inventory when fixing a parity circuit failure, you can record the replacement details, update inventory records, label the replaced parts, store the replaced parts, and monitor the system’s performance. 

This is important in fixing parity circuit failure because keeping accurate records of the parts used and the actions taken can help you track the system’s maintenance history and identify and resolve future issues more efficiently.

Documentation should include the date and time of the replacement, the parts that were replaced, and any actions taken to resolve the issue. I personally love this step because it helps me to keep track records of everything I have done.

The inventory records should be updated to reflect the replacement and track the components used. Labeling the replaced parts with the date and relevant information can help you to quickly identify them in the future. 

The replaced parts should be stored in a safe and secure location in case they need to be used again. Monitoring the system’s performance after the replacement is essential to ensure that the issue has been resolved and that the system is operating correctly. 

Adjust RAM Timing

Adjusting RAM timing can help you to resolve a parity circuit failure by synchronizing the communication between the RAM and the computer’s motherboard. 

The RAM timing, also known as latency, is the delay between when the computer sends a request for data to the RAM and when it receives the data. If the RAM timing is not set correctly, it can cause parity errors and other issues. 

To adjust the RAM timing, you can access the system setup or BIOS and locate the RAM timing settings. You can then adjust the settings to optimize the performance of the RAM and resolve the parity circuit failure. 

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when adjusting the RAM timing, as incorrect settings can cause stability issues and other problems.

In Conclusion

To sum up, concerning all being said, repairing a parity circuit failure necessitates an understanding of the system and the underlying cause of the failure. This could entail replacing damaged components, altering the system’s configuration, or upgrading the software.

To avoid future failures, it’s advisable for you to conduct regular system inspections and maintenance, configure hardware correctly, and update the software when needed. Establishing backup systems and closely monitoring for failure symptoms can also help minimize costly downtime.

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