June 26, 2024

Youths raze man house for allegedly raping teenage girl to death


One Ifeanyi Osuji in Imo State has allegedly raped an 18-year-old girl, Amarachi Iwunze, to death in his newly built house.

The incident which occurred at Umuduruewuewuru, Umuezeala Nsu, in the Ehime Mbano Local Government on Sunday, angered some youths in the area to set the house of the 22-year-old suspect and suspected Internet fraudster ablaze.

It was learnt that the teenager’s body was found in the suspect’s room, after he had escaped.

Reports said the news of the young woman’s death broke yesterday after the mother of the suspect opened his room door and found the body of the teenager on the bed.

A video clip on social media shows the rampaging youths destroying the house of the suspect.

“She (her mother) raised the alarm. When Ifeanyi Osuji found out that people were now aware of his ugly act, he took to his heels. He is a wanted man.”

Police spokesman Michael Abattam confirmed the incident, saying efforts were being intensified “to arrest the fleeing suspect”.

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