June 26, 2024

UNIBEN lecturer, Maxwell Aimuen, assassinated


The authorities of the University of Benin (UNIBEN), Edo State, say one of its academic staff, Mr Maxwell Aimuen, has been assassinated.

Aimuen, who had worked in the university’s public administration department since assumption of office in 2015, was a Lecturer II until his death.

The university’s spokesperson, Dr. Benedicta Ehanire, stated that Aimuen, who was 33 years old, was allegedly shot dead by his attackers last Saturday when he was driving into his residence in Isihor area of the city.

It was gathered that the gunmen shot the deceased severally before fleeing the scene, without removing anything from his vehicle, while the matter was immediately reported at the Ugbowo Police Division.

Ehanire, who described the deceased as a hardworking and dedicated staff, called on security agents to unravel those behind his murder.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bello Kontongs did not respond to calls put across to his phone by our reporter in the state.

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