June 26, 2024

Suspended Akwa Ibom State University student alleges threat to life


Ofonime Honesty

Iniobong Isang Ekpo, a student of Akwa Ibom State University suspended by the institution for using his Facebook page to call on Governor Udom Emmanuel to fulfill his promise of employing first class graduates of the institution, has cried out, alleging that he is being trailed by unknown men suspected to be hired assassin.

In a recent post on his Facebook page, Ekpo, popularly known as Afrosix Jaara, alleged that on January 21, 2021, he managed to escape an attack by the suspected assailants.

Part of the statement reads: “I was followed by two unknown men, one on foot while the other was in a black vehicle. I noticed the intended chase when the one on foot kept moving in a suspicious manner.

“I found a way to escape them using hazardous routes and I’m writing this to inform the world the level at which power drunk men would go to cover up their tracks.”

He also alleged that the “School Disciplinary Committee claimed I refused to attend a meeting which I wasn’t invited.”

He added that even after honouring their second invitation, he wasn’t given a fair hearing.

“I was told to get out of the office, abused verbally and have no right to ask for the first invitation letter in order to defend myself.

“I was apparently treated like a capital crime offender and compared to Osama bin Laden by the committee of 6,” he further alleged.

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