June 29, 2024

S/South PDP condemns alleged attack on its leaders in Edo


The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), South-South Zone, has condemned the alleged attack on some of its leaders in Ikpeshi, Akoko-Edo Local Government Area in Edo, by some youths said to be loyal to a faction within its fold.

A statement by the South-South National Vice Chairman of the party, Chief Dan Orbih, on Sunday in Benin, described the action of the youths as wicked, shameful, and barbaric.

He, therefore, called on security agencies to thoroughly investigate the alleged criminal act and fish out the perpetrators, as well as those who might have remotely or closely aided their actions.

“Painfully, my attention has been drawn to a social media video of a wicked and shameful attack by some politically patronised youths who unleashed unwarranted terror on unsuspecting party leaders and members in Ikpeshi, Akoko-Edo LGA, brandishing machetes and other dangerous weapons.

“I condemn this savagery in very strong terms, and I urge the security agents to thoroughly investigate the criminal act, fish out the perpetrators as well as those who might have remotely or closely aided their actions, and make them face the full consequences of their debasing actions.

“This will act as a deterrent for others who wish to take law into their hands,” he said.

Orbih appealed to members of the party in the local government to remain calm and go about their robust political engagements peacefully.

He assured that no stone would be left unturned in apprehending the perpetrators and ensuring that they face the full wrath of the law.

“I urge our party members to continue to engage in peaceful and constructive political activities in line with our party’s constitution,” he added.

In a related development, the Edo chapter of the party also condemned attack.

A statement by the State Chairman of the party, Dr Tony Aziegbemi, said the action was particularly more painful to watch as the Vice Chairman of Ward 8, Akoko-Edo LGA, Pa Samuel Dania, an elder, was a victim of the alleged callous act.

“The assault was unwarranted, unacceptable and condemnable.

“We call on the security agencies to investigate the matter and ensure the arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators of this senseless crime.

“Edo PDP is known as a peaceful, united and vibrant political party, where dialogue is our watchword.

“We encourage political engagements and contestations which must be guided by the tenets of our constitution.

“While we encourage our members to exercise their democratic right of free speech, respect, restraint and decorum should be their watchwords.

“No political party, especially not PDP, will be at ease seeing the said video. It pricks at the sensibilities of all of us and we must all condemn it.

“We urge our party members to remain calm as we call on the police to ensure speedy investigation and possible prosecution of all those involved in this heinous crime.

“We ARE PDP, this does not depict our PDP,” he said.


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