July 27, 2024

Reactions as Zeb Ejiro floors Anne Njemanze at Trademark Tribunal over “Domitila”

Reactions as Zeb Ejiro floors Anne Njemanze at Trademark Tribunal over “Domitila”

Reactions from stakeholders from the movie industry and beyond have continued to trail the fallout of the court case between iconic filmmaker, Zeb Ejiro and actress, Anne Njemanze over the rightful ownership of the movie franchise “Domitila”.

In the ruling delivered by the Chief Registrar, Shafiu Adamu Yauri, on Thursday, the Tribunal held that Anne  Njemanze’s application was malicious, insisting that all the documents issued to her were issued by the Commission in error.

It would be recalled that actress Anne Njemanze had trademarked the name “Domitilla and Device” on September 16, 2020, as her copyright. But veteran filmmaker, Chief Zeb Ejiro, MFR, had approached the Tribunal asking it to expunge the trademark given to Anne Njemanze.

No sooner had Ejiro tweeted his victory, “Friends, help me thank God. Ann Njemanze was defeated woefully today at Trademark. I am the right owner of Domitila” than reactions began to trickle in, to bash the actress.

Film-maker, Shaibu Husseini responded, ‘Congrats Sheik Zeb Ejiro, OON. At least, there is a judicial precedent on issues like this.”

Another filmmaker, Tunji Bamishigbin said he had asked for clarity on the matter but nonetheless passed his fatua thus, “It is established that her registration was with the intent to deceive the court. Since she must have earlier deposed to an affidavit of ownership.

“And it has been proven that she lied on oath, can criminal proceedings, not spring from there? Can she not be sued for perjury? And hopefully, cool off behind bars for 10 years plus. On the issue of possible criminal charges against Anne. If it is established that she lied in her affidavit to obtain the trademark, she risks prosecution.”

Another filmmaker, Kabat submitted that there was actually no case, saying, “It would have served as a bad precedent if she had won.”


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