July 27, 2024

Police recover guns from fleeing suspect in Delta


Operatives of the Delta State Command’s Eagle-Net Squad, on Aberdeen patrol, have recovered one locally-made cut-to-size double barrel gun and one locally-made shotgun from a fleeing suspect in Warri.

It was gathered that the police sighted the suspect, a male passenger carrying a mini bag in a minibus.

On sighting the police, the suspect alighted from the minibus and fled with the bag.

The Delta State Police Command, led by CP Ari Muhammed Ali, confirmed the report in a statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe.

He said, “His action was suspicious; hence the operatives went after him. The suspect on noticing that the policemen were closing up on him, abandoned the said bag and escaped into a nearby river.”

According to him, “Upon searching the bag, one locally made cut-to-size double barrel gun, and one locally made short gun were recovered.”

DSP Edafe also said, “Efforts are on to arrest the fleeing suspect.”

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