June 26, 2024

Police mourn ex-IGP Tafa Balogun


*IGP prays for repose of his soul

Etim Ekpimah

The Nigeria Police Force has mourned the passing of the former Inspector-General of Police, Mustafa Adebayo Balogun.

According to a statement by the Force Public Relations Officer, CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi in Abuja on Friday, 5 August 2022, the Inspector-General of Police, Usman Alkali Baba mourned the late police IGP on behalf of the Force management team and officers of the Nigeria Police Force.

The statement read: “We regret to announce the demise of the 11th Indigenous Inspector-General of Police, IGP Mustafa Adebayo Balogun, which occurred on 4 August 2022, at the Redington Hospital, Lekki, Lagos State, after a brief illness.

“IGP Mustapha Adebayo Balogun, who hails from Ila-Orangun in Osun State, was Inspector-General of the Nigeria Police Force between March 2002 to January 2005 and achieved major operational milestones including facilitating the establishment of the Police Mobile Force Training College, Ila-Orangun, Osun State.

“A graduate of the University of Lagos and the University of Ibadan where he studied Political Science and Law respectively, the former IGP served in various administrative, operational, and investigative positions all around the country.”

Adejobi added that the Late IGP Tafa, as he was fondly called, was a fellow of the National War College, as it was then called but now National Defence College, Abuja. He equally held many Master’s Degrees, cutting across many academic and professional fields.

He announced that the late IGP would be laid to rest in his country home at Ila-Orangun, Osun State on Saturday 6th August 2022, according to Islamic rites.

He said: “The Inspector-General of Police hereby condoles with the immediate family, relatives, fellow course mates, and friends of the late IGP and prays for the repose of his soul.”

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