June 18, 2024

Police apprehend 15 suspected cultists in A’Ibom


The Akwa Ibom State police command said it arrested 15 suspected cultists in Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom.

The command’s public relations officer, SP Odiko Macdon, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Eket on Friday.

He said officers of the command raided the popular spot at Afaha Ukwa, a hotspot for criminal activities in the local government.

The renewed cult war started on June 21, and three cult members have been killed in Eket so far.

“We arrested 15 suspected cultists during the raid on criminal hideouts in Eket and its environs. If you raid and make arrest of 15, it does not mean that all of them are guilty.

“You can’t arrest 15 people now through raiding because of cult activities and believe that there are no innocent persons among them,” he said.

Macdon explained that the Commissioner of Police had directed that the suspects would be screened and those found culpable would be charged to court.

The spokesman said the command would continue to raid black spots and go after the perpetrators in Eket and its environs.

Meanwhile, the chairman of Eket Local Government Area, Mr Akaninyene Tommy, has sealed two brothels at Afaha Uqua and Ofriyo, where the perpetrators used to commit the act.

“The brothels were sealed and asked to stop operations indefinitely, as whenever there was crisis in Eket, it emanated from the brothels in the area.

“As a government, we are here to ensure the spots are shut permanently and no business will ever take place there again,” Tommy said.

He commended police force and charged them not to spare anyone in the course of their duty as the safety and wellbeing of Eket people is paramount.

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