June 29, 2024

PDP zones party chairman’s slot to North


Contrary to reports that the Peoples Democratic Party has zoned its national chairmanship position to the southwest, there are strong indications that the party may have finally zoned the position to the north.

The party’s 44-member National Convention Committee on zoning has been meeting over the zoning of party positions ahead of the party’s convention in October.

It was learnt that the party finally took the decision to zone the position to the north based on obedience to its total rotational arrangement as contained in its constitution.

At the meeting chaired by Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and Benue State Deputy Governor, Benson Abounu, it was learnt that over 95% of the committee members took a decision to zone the position to the north.

The PDP constitution stipulates a rotational arrangement whereby power rotates between the south and the north.

Section 7:3c of the party constitution stipulates that the party shall adhere to the policy of rotation and zoning of the party and public elective offices in pursuance of the principle of equity, justice, and fairness.

Tension had earlier gripped the party as members of its zoning committee began deliberation on zoning the party’s National Working Committee, NWC offices across the six geo-political zones.

Chaired by Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State, the 44-member committee is expected to give direction to the party ahead of the 2023 general elections.

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