June 18, 2024

No development without peaceful coexistence – Shina Peller


A member of the House of Representatives representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Kajola/Iwajowa Federal Constituency, Shina Peller, has urged Nigerians to begin to promote peaceful coexistence among the various ethnic groups and religious adherents all over the country.

The lawmaker, who is also the Ayedero of Yorubaland said this, Thursday, in a statement to commemorate the 2022 International Peace Day, themed, “End racism. Build peace.”

The statement was made available to our correspondent by the media aide to the lawmaker, Mr Kola Popoola.

Peller said the development would be elusive if Nigerians refused to live in peace and unity. He called on Nigerians to take up the responsibility of building and promoting peace right from their immediate communities.

Therefore, in his capacity as Ayedero (someone who brings peace) of Yorubaland, a chieftaincy title conferred on him by the late Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, Peller urged all to embrace and preach peace to pave way for progress, love and unity irrespective of their ethnic, political or religious affiliation.

He said, “This year’s International Day of Peace is a wake-up call to people all over the world. I’ll like to use this medium to encourage us all to commemorate this special day by promoting peace in our communities, places of work, and wherever we find ourselves.

“This will not only help in ending hatred but most importantly promote love. It will also help to promote inclusion, individual coexistence, trust, cooperation and acceptance regardless of our ethnic, political or religious affiliation. It will help in building a culture of peace because we need peace to thrive and progress.

“Without peace, there can never be meaningful progress neither can there be societal development. When we embrace peace, we embrace love, unity and progress which will help in making the world a better place for all.

“The task of establishing peace belongs to all of us. We need global solidarity, commitment, sacrifices, and mutual trust now more than ever. But that peace must begin at home.

“A peaceful world is possible, and it starts with you. This year, I join people all over the world in commemorating the International Day of Peace, especially as the Ayedero of Yorubaland which means peacemaker.

“I pray that peace reigns in Iseyin, my hometown; that peace reigns in Oke Ogun, my beloved region, and Oyo State; that peace reigns in Yorubaland as a whole where I reign as Ayedero; and that peace reigns in Nigeria, Africa and the world at large. Amen.”


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