June 26, 2024

NMA chairman in A’Ibom denies impeachment claims

NMA chairman in A’Ibom denies impeachment claims

Ini Billie, Uyo

Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Akwa Ibom State chapter, Dr Emem Abraham has refuted the impeachment claims against her.

Secretary of the association, Dr Usenobong Morgan Akpan, had in a press conference on Monday in Uyo declared that the Chairman, Dr Emem Abraham and Vice Chairman, Dr Aniekan Utuk, have been impeached for gross misconduct.

Dr Usenobong Akpan, listed the offences of the impeached executives to include abnormalities in the presentation of financial reports, suppression of views during congresses, inconsistency in financial figures, and lack of proper accountability, among others.

Akpan said he emerged as Acting Chairman following a motion duly moved during the association’s Ordinary General Meeting at its Secretariat, KM 8, Nwaniba Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State on June 3, and in line with NMA’s constitution which allows the highest office holder and most qualified to run the affairs of the body.

However, the embattled Chairman, Dr Emem Abraham in a press release signed and made available to journalists on Tuesday in Uyo described the claims of her impeachment as misleading and urged the public to disregard it.

Abraham stated that the “acting Chairman” is currently being investigated by the disciplinary committee of the association, adding that Dr Usenobong Morgan had in the past unilaterally sabotaged the resolutions of the congress.

The Chairman explained that the association’s ordinary general meeting (OGM) held on 2nd June 2024, went into a recess due to the disruptive conduct of a member, Dr Edikan Ackley, noting that the recess was necessary to enable the leadership of the union to engage security agencies to safeguard lives and properties.

She revealed that the OGM was later convened virtually on 3rd June 2024, by 5 pm, and had over 180 members in attendance, and no impeachment process was instituted against her or the Vice Chairman.

“For the avoidance of doubt, there was no impeachment process of the Chairman or any other officer of the Association and the Chairman, Prof Emem Abraham and the Vice Chairman Dr Aniekan Utuk have not been impeached.

“NMA AKS is intact, and Prof Emem Abraham is very much in charge as the Chairman. To this end, members and the public are enjoined to disregard the falsehood being peddled by a suspended trainee member, Dr Usenobong Morgan.

“Appropriate sanctions shall be applied to members who have brought the association to disrepute in no time,” she stated.

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