July 27, 2024

Niger Delta stakeholders back President Tinubu on retention of NDDC MD


Akpan Umoh, Uyo

Stakeholders of Niger Delta region have thrown their weights behind the President Bola Tinubu for retaining the Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDCC), Chief Samuel Ogbuku and other Executive Directors after the dissolution of the commission.

The support came in a press conference organised by Movement for the Survival of Izon Ethnic Nationality (MOSIEND), Civil Society Organisation (CSOs), Community Based Organisation (CBOs), Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs) in Uyo on Monday.

The statement issued at the end of the press conference and signed by Mr Afoegba Goodyear, on behalf of the stakeholders support the President and the Federal Government for the decision towards the NDDC.

The group said the NDDC Managing Director, Chief Samuel Ogbuku led administration should be given the opportunity to continue the good work it has started, for the benefit of the people of the region and all Nigerians.

It recalled that on June 19, the the President dissolved the board of all federal parastatals, agencies, institutions and government owned companies across the country.

However, the group said that the dissolution of board of federal parastatals and agencies, which takes place according to tenure limits, change or transition to a new government in power, was done in good faith.

“For the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), it was a matter of mixed reactions, when the commission was named among parastatals and agencies dissolved by the Federal Government.

“We are relieved to know that the Managing Director, the Executive Directors Projects and the Executive Director Finance and Administration were retained to manage the Commission pending the constitution of a new board.

“As stakeholders in the Niger Delta region, we recognize the sacrifices and efforts expended by sons and daughters of the region before the last board was constituted.

“At this time of our lives, the peace and progress of the region matters more to us than the infighting for positions and appointments. We say enough of the fight over the NDDC.

“We appreciate the news of the retention of the Managing Director and the other aforementioned executive directors. We are gladdened by this kind gesture of the President.

“For the records, the dissolved NDDC board started off on a good note. We advise and appeal to the President to consider members of the dissolved Board for reappointment and allowed to operate.

“We find very distasteful, naysayers who are condemning the good intentions of Mr President in retaining the Management Committee.

“Flowing from the above, we seek to make the following points to buttress our position on the dissolution of the Board and retention of the Managing Director to oversee the Commission.

  1. By virue of S.5(1)(b) of the 1999 Constitution, it is provided that the executive powers of the President extends to the maintenance of the provisions of the constitution, Act of the National Assembly and on items on which the national assembly has power for the time being to make law.

“The NDDC is a creation of an Act of the National Assembly, although certain actions of the President, may not be in line with popular opinion, yet they are in substantial compliance with the enabling Acts and current demands of the time.”

The Niger Delta stakeholders said that the people of the region were solidly behind NDDC MD and the commission and would not succumb to blackmail and intimidations.

Also speaking, Amb Kennedy Tonjo West, the National President of MOSIEND wondered why some groups could agitate for the removal of the MD who was barely six months in office and has not had any dent in his character.

He urged the people to support the management to deliver on its mandate.

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