June 26, 2024

Man jailed three months for disobeying court order


Etim Ekpimah

Akwa Ibom State High Court sitting in Itu, has sentenced a man, Edem Tom Etuk of Nung Ukot Itam in Itu Local Government Area, to one month imprisonment for disobeying court order in accordance with section 287 sub 3 of the 1999 constitution as amended.

The court presided over by Justice Ntong Ntong, convicted the contemnor, and sentenced him without option of a fine.

Justice Ntong further held that after the jail term, the convict shall continue to be in prison custody until he purges himself of the contempt by writing an undertaking to obey the court order, until the order is set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction.

According to him, time has come for citizens, no matter, how highly or lowly placed, to obey court orders to enhance and safeguard the rule of law in a democratic society.

The judge added that no one is above the law and that the dignity of the court must be jealously protected by every authority and person.

It could be recalled that the West Itam District Court had in 2015 delivered a judgement ordering the convict to vacate a piece of land on Atiku Abubakar Avenue, Uyo, an order he refused to obey and refused to appeal in a higher court.

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