June 29, 2024

Kwara Poly expels 29 students for alleged exam fraud


The authority of Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin, has expelled another batch of 29 students over examination malpractices.

According to a statement by the Principal Assistant Registrar, Mrs Oluwakemi Opadiran, on behalf of the Registrar, Mr Kolawole Akande, on Thursday, said the students were made to face a disciplinary committee set up by the academic board of the institution, while the governing council approved the expulsion.

Recall that the polytechnic last month expelled four students and rusticated six others for one academic session over their alleged involvement in various examination malpractices.

The statement read, “Please recall your involvement and trial in the case of alleged examination malpractices levelled against you, contrary to the matriculation oath you swore to.

 “Consequently, the Kwara State Polytechnic Governing Council considered the report of the academic board in respect of the case and approved your immediate expulsion from the polytechnic.

 “Your expulsion is in line with the provisions of the Student Information and Regulations Handbook 2019.

“You, therefore, cease to be a student of the polytechnic and you should hand over all polytechnic properties in your possession to your head of department or the appropriate polytechnic authority.”

The statement also advised the affected students to comply strictly with the directive to avoid litigation.

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