June 26, 2024

Hoodlums attack UI staff quarters, kill NECO staff member


Hoodlums have invaded the staff quarters of the University of Ibadan.
They were said to have killed an official of the National Examination Council identified as Vincent Odinko.
The PUNCH gathered that Odinko, who resided in the boys quarters was killed, while his gadgets including mobile phones and a laptop were stolen.
The incident reportedly happened in the night, last Friday.
Odinko was working with the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination Internal Unit, Ibadan branch of NECO.
The police in Oyo State confirmed the incident, but failed to give detail.
When contacted, the Oyo State Police Public Relations Officer, Adewale Osifeso, said investigations had commenced to unravel the detail of the incident.
“Investigations have since commenced. Updates would be provided, please,” Osifeso stated in a chat with our correspondent.

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