July 4, 2024

Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community

Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community

Ofonime Honesty, Uyo

A socio-cultural group in Akwa Ibom State, the Ikpanya Clan Development Union, has accused the Paramount Ruler of Ibiono Ibom, His Royal Majesty Edidem Ime Udousoro Inyang, of plotting to sell off a parcel of land belonging to the clan, to Arochukwu in Abia State.

This was contained in a letter dated 30th March 2022, addressed to the Office of the Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State; Commissioner of Police; Commissioner for Lands and Survey; Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs; Ibiono Ibom Local Government Chairman, and Ibiono Ibom Traditional Rulers Council.

The letter signed by the president of the union, Rt. Hon. Ekpenyong Ekpenyong Udoekong; Secretary, Mr Jacob Inyang Udoaba; and Publicity Secretary, Mr Okokon Okon David, alleged that the Paramount Ruler of Ibiono Ibom, in connivance with the Ikpanya Clan Head, His Royal Highness Isaac Onosin are making frantic efforts to execute the transaction after holding several meetings in Arochukwu, Abia State and signing different secret documents in the process.

Ikpanya and Arochukwu have been involved in an agelong interstate boundary-related conflict which sometimes leads to deaths, maiming and destruction of property.

Following the latest wave of crisis in 2022, peace talks ensued. The talks later derailed as the Ikpanya people decried that the Paramount Ruler has not taken their interest into consideration during his solo trips to Arochukwu for negotiation.

Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community
Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community
Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community
Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community

According to the union, the Paramount Ruler only agreed to the demands of the Arochukwu people and ignored presenting the concerns of the Ikpanya people throughout the negotiation.

The union stated that the issue of justice for the killing and gangrape of Ikpanya people by Arochukwu indigenes was never raised by the Paramount Ruler during his solo trips and negotiation with Arochukwu.

Upon sealing an agreement with Arochukwu, HRM Edidem Ime Udousoro Inyang reportedly fixed a date, 9th April 2022, for the delineation of the boundary in favour of Arochukwu.

It was gathered that the move necessitated the Ikpanya Clan Development Union to write letters to relevant authorities to stall the exercise.

On that fateful day, Arochukwu visited the Paramount Ruler with various gifts in celebration of their anticipated purchase of Ikpanya land which comprises seven villages.

The group described the Paramount Ruler’s agreement with Arochukwu as biased, unilateral and overreaching.

They, therefore, appealed to the National Boundary Commission; the Deputy Governor of Akwa Ibom State and the security agencies to call the Paramount Ruler to order since the delineation of the boundary is beyond his powers and jurisdiction as a traditional ruler.

The union also alleged that the Paramount Ruler and the Clan Head have been trying hard to impose an Abia indigene, one Daniel Nwachukwu as village head of Aburu in Ikpanya.

Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community
Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community
Group accuses Paramount Ruler of attempt to sell land to Abia community

Reacting to the position of the Ikpanya Clan Development Union, the Paramount Ruler, through his lawyer, Usungurua Bassey, Esq, has called for an unreserved apology from the group or risk facing litigation in court.

But counsel to the group, S.S. Ebong, Esq. of C. I. Odo & Co. described the demand as an ill-advised decision.

In a reply to the Paramount Ruler’s counsel, Usungurua Bassey, Esq., dated 10th June 2022, demanded an outright withdrawal of the demand letter written to his clients and tendering of public apology to the Ikpanya Clan within 14 days of issuance of the reply or faced legal redress.

Accordingly, counsel to the union stated that the paramount ruler’s demand for an apology is just a face-saving move which is coming rather late, as government officials including the Deputy Governor, who is constitutionally empowered to act on boundary matters, and security agencies have since waded in and ascertained the true facts of the matter. When contacted by our reporter, HRM Okuku Ime Udousoro Inyang said, “I can’t speak on that, I’ll leave my lawyer to comment on the matter.”

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