June 29, 2024

FRSC harps safety consciousness on children in A’Ibom

FRSC harps safety consciousness on children in A'Ibom

Akpan Umoh, Uyo

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has organised a quiz competition for some selected schools in Akwa Ibom to inculcate safety consciousness in the youths at the formative age.

The Sector Commander, FRSC Akwa Ibom Command, Mr Lasisi Ogundele said this in his remarks during the competition’s closing ceremony in the command’s headquarters in Uyo on Tuesday.

Ogundele said 15 schools participated in the quiz competition with three of the schools winning trophies for coming best from the participating schools.

He said the quiz competition was to test the students on road safety rules and reach out to their parents through them.

“We had a quiz competition for about 15 schools in Akwa Ibom State to commemorate the 2024 Children’s Day celebration.

“We did this to let the leaders of tomorrow understand that we care for them in terms of their safety.

“What we do, is to inculcate the ideals of road safety into these youths at this formative stage.

“If the road safety ideals are inculcated to them at this formative age, it becomes part and parcel of them for life.

“At this level also, they will serve as caution to their parents, uncles and sisters when they drive on the roads.

“These children will serve as check to their parents, uncles and aunties’ reckless driving,” Ogundele said.

He said that the competition which is intended to foster healthy competition among the school children, focused on youth Safety Education (Road Safety Matters),  English language, Mathematics and Current Affairs.

The sector commander said that at the end of the competition, Fellowship High School Idoro, came first and went home with a trophy and cash prize.

Monef Secondary School, Uyo came second and JEGOWIB International Leaders School also in Uyo came third and went home with cash prizes.

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