June 29, 2024

FRSC cautions drivers against excess speed


Akpan Umoh, Uyo

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Akwa Ibom Command has reiterated its stance against excess speed saying that it is the major cause of road carnage in the country.

The Akwa Ibom Sector Commander of FRSC, Mr Matthew Olonisaye, urged motorists to desist from speeding while plying the road.

Olonisaye, who was represented by the Deputy Corps Commander Operations, Mr David Irunoje, gave the warning during the event marking the 2022 commemoration of West Africa Road Safety Organisation (WARSO) at All-State Transport Company Park, Itam in Uyo on Monday.

Displeased at the rates of road crashes in the country, Olonisaye added that though some crashes are caused by human errors, he maintained that most of the road accidents are direct results of excess speed.

“Road traffic crashes have caused so much bleeding on our roads and the need to curb the negative trend is imperative.

“Road traffic crashes in itself is a plague because it focuses on cutting short the lives of breadwinners and future generation.

“In commemorating the 2022 WARSO, the corps has mapped out measures to sensitise the motoring public on the need to adhere to traffic rules and regulations in order to achieve zero deaths on our roads.

“All road users are admonished to avoid speeding, use of phone while driving, avoid all forms of distracted driving, avoid driving against traffic, driving avoid lane indiscipline while on roads,” Olonosaye said.

Olonisaye expressed happiness that the UN’s adoption of resolution 74/229 would improve global road safety between 2021 and 2030, stressing that at least 50 per cent of road traffic deaths and injuries would be reduced by 2030.

He said the theme; “Towards a Zero Bleeding on Our Roads” was apt and urged drivers to be careful while on roads and obey the speed limit to avoid road crashes.

“As the corps makes efforts to ensure the sustenance of lives on our roads, all hands should be on deck to achieve this feat.

“Remember road safety is a shared responsibility and the safer the roads, the fuller the lives,” he said

In his remarks, the Manager of All-State Transport Company in Itam, Mr Michael Acholonu, commended the FRSC for their efforts at improving safety on the roads.

Acholonu said that FRSC sensitisation over the years had reduced road crashes.

He assured that drivers in the All-State transport fleet had been cautioned on the need to adhere to the stipulated speed limit to avoid accidents.

“I am overwhelmed with what am seeing today the sensitisation has benefited us a lot.

“The FRSC in Uyo has been of great help to the transport company because the sensitisation had reduced road accidents in the transport company,” he said.

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