June 26, 2024

Etiebet applauds Buhari over choice of A’Ibom for university of technology


*President Muhammadu Buhari exchanging plesantries with former Petroleum Minister, Atuekong Don Etiebet

Etim Ekpimah

Former Petroleum Minister, Atuekong Don Etiebet has commended President Muhammadu Buhari over the choice of Akwa Ibom State for a Federal University of Technology.

Etiebet, who said this via a release made available to CitizenDiary on Wednesday, June 23, 2021, likens the gesture to a proverbial statement recorded in the Holy Book, the Holy Bible, which reads, “Like cold water to a tasty soul, so is good news from afar country.”

The statement reads: “We, the people of Akwa Ibom State are leaping for joy in line with the good news coming to us from afar place, the country’s seat of power. Indeed, followers of President Muhammadu Buhari, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, are getting vindicated by the people-oriented leadership clearly demonstrated by the President.

“We knew the President as the leader of the people whose leadership template is about developing the people.

“The approval and establishment of the Federal University of Science and Technology for Akwa Ibom State affirms the president’s love for our people. It also marks the recognition of Akwa Ibom State as a budding centre for scientific and technological excellence in the South South region.

“History has fairly documented our dear state as one that has made reasonable impact in science development. Many Akwa Ibomites have contributed immensely to promoting technological and scientific investments. The area of ICT readily provides evidence to this claim.

“At the risk of sounding immodest, and by the grace of God, I became the first Nigerian to establish a Nigerian indigenous computer company in 1974. It was indeed a pioneering leap when I founded the Data Sciences Nigeria in all aspects of ICT development. This modest investment greatly accelerated the application of ICT in the governance of the country.

“It is on record that during my time as a minister, we invested all available resources to establish the Nigeria Communications Commission, (NCC) and Nigerian Technology Development Agency (NITDA).

“These establishments became veritable tools for the administration and regulation of ICT in the country. I equally served at the pioneer Board of Directors of NCC in 1992. All these engagements, including the founding of today’s Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), informed my recognition as “The Father of ICT in Nigeria.”

According to Etiebet, by all standards, he heaves a great sigh of relief that Nigeria is moving faster and closing the gaps.

He added that the foundations which had been laid in the yesteryears are fortunately being harnessed to put the country on the right track. He noted that delightfully, the world is fast moving into a smart age, and the approval and funding for the commencement of the new universities, is a step in the right direction.

The former petroleum minister, who titled his appreciation to the president as ‘Boundless thanks to a people’s leader, President Muhammadu Buhari, for approving the Federal University of Science and Technology, Akwa Ibom State’, added: “I deeply appreciate and thank His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari for siting this University of Science and Technology in Akwa Ibom State.”

He stated that as a former Pro-Chancellor of the University of Jos and an ICT Expert, he pledges all assistance to the successful establishment of the university in the State.

He said: “I join millions of Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora to pray God’s continuous wisdom on our dear President for many more of these amazing dividends of democracy. Once again, thank you, Mr President.”

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