June 26, 2024

Emmanuel assures Nigerians of economic stability, peace if elected president


Ini Billie, Uyo

A presidential aspirant under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr Udom Emmanuel has assured Nigerians of economic stability and peace.

Emmanuel said the current bleak economy and insecurity in the nation forced him to join the presidential race, saying he has the mission to rescue Nigeria from its present gloom and restore economic boom if elected as president.

Speaking in Uyo at the weekend on his Presidential ambition, the former banker and economic expert said the current agitations and insecurity across the country would cease if the nation’s economy is fixed.

He explained that a fixed economy would mean that jobs are available, food sufficiency and security is attained, infrastructure deficit is bridged, foreign direct investments are attracted and education is improved to an enviable height.

He promised to deploy psychological operations and a strategic kinetic approach, built on a foundation of sincerity and political will to tackle insurrections and criminal agitations in the country.

“The current bleak economic and poor security situation in Nigeria, our dear country, has challenged me to enter the presidential race with a mission to rescue and restore Nigeria from its present gloom to a state of economic boom.

“I have handled insecurity before and given the opportunity, I would do so again. In my leadership, I am conscious that the greatest need of any society, which money cannot buy is peace.  And under my watch, Akwa Ibom State has witnessed peace.

“We all know that Nigeria needs peace for the economy to grow and for other sectors to thrive; and I know that with the support of psychological operations and strategic kinetic deployment, built on the foundation of sincerity and political will, these insurrections and criminal agitation would be a thing of the past.

“I sincerely believe and strongly posit that if we fix the economy, provide jobs, attain food sufficiency and security, bridge our infrastructure deficit, attract foreign direct investments, fix our education system to an enviable status, start and run a world-class national carrier, the current agitation and attendant insecurity would cease, and the glory of our land would return and we would again be proud to be called Nigerians.

“I seek your vote, to become the Presidential candidate of our great party, the PDP so that I can rescue and restore Nigeria. I am Udom Emmanuel,” he stated.

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