June 26, 2024

Diocese on the Niger ordains four deacons, eight priests


Diocese of the Niger (Anglican Communion) Anambra State, on Sunday, ordained four deacons and eight priests.

The ceremony which took place at the All-Saints’ Cathedral, Onitsha, was presided by the Diocesan, the Rt Rev. Dr Owen Nwokolo and was assisted by the team of his archdeacons.

The bishop had while examining the candidates during the ordination reminded them of their priestly responsibilities which he said were not only by proclaiming in word and in action the Gospel of Jesus Christ but by also fashioning their lives according to the Gospel.

Underscoring the details of the duties of the priests, Bishop Nwokolo charged them: “You are to love and serve the people among whom you work, caring alike for young and old, strong and weak, rich and poor.

“You are to preach, to declare God’s forgiveness to penitent sinners, to pronounce God’s blessings, to preside at the administration of Holy Baptism and at the celebration of the mysteries of Christ’s Body, and to perform the other ministrations entrusted to you.

“Because you cannot bear the weight of this ministry in your own strength, but only by the grace and power of God, pray that He will each day enlarge and enlighten your understanding of the Scriptures so that you may grow stronger and more mature in your ministry,” he admonished them.

Earlier the ministers had taken various canonical oaths among which were oath of submission, oath of canonical obedience and oath of allegiance to God where they vowed that they had never and would never join any secrete cult.

In the sermon that preceded the ordination, a minister in the diocese, Ven Frank Obi, counselled the newly ordained not to take life too seriously but instead to have compassionate heart and avoid being selfish.

He reminded them that they were called for a purpose and therefore should not be afraid of anything or anybody, assuring them that God is always there to defend them.

“The problems of the world will never end but with your faith in God you will l succeed,” the venerable encouraged them.

Among the ministers who were ordained deacons were: Alexander Anyalebechi, Odigonma Eze, Prince Ndubisi and Uche Chukwu Nzegwu.

Those ordained priests were Rev Udonna Ekpunobi, Rev Ikechukwu Ikemefuna, Rev Chika Iroginna, Rev Ikechukwu Mmomalikwu, Rev Okechukwu Nnabuike, Rev Wisdom Onyemelukwe,Rev Ugochukwu Oguamanam and Rev Felix Osuachala.

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