June 26, 2024

Courageous burning tanker driver averts major disaster on East-West Road


A major fire disaster was averted in Agbarho community area of the East-West Road in Ughelli north local government area, Delta state on Friday when a driver of a Petrol tanker drove his burning tanker to a safe place before it completely went up in flames.

An eyewitness who identified himself simply as Mr Roland said the courageous driver did almost five hundred metres with the burning tanker before jumping out when he was sure that the place, he parked would be a lone fire incident.

“I commend the tanker driver for the courage.  When he noticed the fire, he still drove to a safe place before jumping out. Some persons would have abandoned the burning tanker on the road, a situation that would have claimed several lives and properties in the populated area of the road where the fire started from.”

The driver of the tanker could not be reached for comment. But videos of the trending fire gave the driver’s name as Ejiro.


“Hundreds of persons would have been displaced by the fire if the driver had jumped out from the tanker in the middle of the road. Several vehicles would also have been burnt.

“We thank God for the courage he gave the driver “, another eyewitness who gave his name as John said.


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