June 29, 2024

Captain, Lieutenant killed in terrorists ambush of soldiers of Guards Brigade in Abuja


Fresh indications have emerged on the terrorists attack on soldiers of the Guards Brigade in Abuja on Sunday.

The soldiers of the 7 Guards Battalion ran into a terrorist ambush along the Dutse Bwari Road while on patrol duty.

Three soldiers who were hit by bullets were said to have survived the attack and were rushed to the 7 Guards Medical Centre, Abuja.

It was gathered that the soldiers were on patrol duty around the Nigerian Law School in a response to a distress call when they ran into the terrorists’ ambush.

Daily Trust reported that lieutenant Ibrahim Suleiman and Captain Samuel Attah, both indigenes of Kogi State, lost their lives in the ambush.

The Guards Brigade is the elite force of the Nigerian Army which secures the President, Vice President, their families and indeed the Federal Capital Territory.

The military had confirmed the presence of terrorists in the Bwari axis in a signal issued after the attack on Monday.

The report stated that the terrorists might be operating in the area with the intent to carry out an attack on the Nigeria Law School.

The signal message titled ‘Ambush Attack Against Own Troops Of Gds Bde’ reads: ““troops on routine patrol along Kubwa – Bwari were ambushed by suspected terrorists. Three soldiers were injured during the attack. The soldiers have been evacuated for medical attention.

“Details on the extent of their injuries are still under confirmation. The ambush attack happening within the general area of Bwari shows that the terrorists are actually within the location and possibly preparing to carry out their plans to attack the law school in Bwari as earlier reported.”

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