June 26, 2024

Army inaugurates 2 Brigade headquarters complex in A’Ibom

Army inaugurates 2 Brigade headquarters complex in A’Ibom

Akpan Umoh, Uyo

On Saturday, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen Taoreed Lagbaja, inaugurated the 2 Brigade Headquarters Complex at Mbiokporo Cantonment near Uyo in Akwa Ibom State.

Lagbaja while inaugurating the complex as part of his familiarisation tour of formations and units of the Nigerian Army lauded the 2 Brigade for developing the Cantonment, which according to him, was covered with dense of vegetation in years past. 

“I recall in January; this complex was still occupied with oil palm and other dense of vegetation. This shows great transformation. I dedicate this edifice to the Glory of God and benefit of man,” Lagbaja said.

The Chief of Army Staff, who addressed the troops of the 2 Brigade shortly after the inauguration lauded them for their resilience in maintaining adequate security in Akwa Ibom.

He advised them to show the high level of professionalism and discipline that the Army is known for, assuring them that their challenges and concerns have been noted and would be addressed immediately. 

Army inaugurates 2 Brigade headquarters complex in A’Ibom

Lagbaja assured them that the Federal Government has given directives for payment of the backlog of their group life assurance even to the families of the deceased personnel, who did not receive it while alive.

He urged them to remain dedicated to duties and loyal, as that was the only way to reciprocate the goodwill they received from the government.

The COAS assured the troops that an arrangement had been concluded to build quarters for them so that they could bring in their families. 

“We have awarded the contract, in the next one- or two weeks contractors will start building accommodation.

“Other challenges of combat enablers, tools to work with, more vehicles and inadequate personnel within the brigade, we have taken note of that and I want to assure you that, that would be addressed.

“So, my advice to you is to continue to remain dedicated and loyal.

“For the backlog of group life assurance, the government has already given directives that it should be paid and for the families of the deceased personnel, whose group life assurance has not been paid, their families will receive it.

“The Federal Government has promised to buy helicopters for us and so many interventions, so, continue to remain dedicated and loyal for that is the way of reciprocating the good gesture of the federal government,” he said.

Army inaugurates 2 Brigade headquarters complex in A’Ibom

In his remarks, the Commander of the 2 Brigade, Brig.- Gen. Ken Chigbu, while presenting a Souvenir to the COAS noted that though he (Lagbaja) left the Brigade many years ago his legacies remained indelible in the state.

Chigbu noted that the clock presented to him symbolises a tick of time of his footprints in Akwa Ibom and Nigeria. 

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