June 26, 2024

Alleged defilement: Dr Olufemi Olaleye remanded in Correctional Centre

Alleged defilement: Dr Olufemi Olaleye remanded in Correctional Centre

Justice Ramon Oshodi of the Sexual Offences Court in Ikeja remanded the embattled medical director, Dr Olufemi Olaleye of Optimal Cancer Care Foundation in Ikoyi Correctional Facility on Wednesday.

He was remanded following denial of an allegation of two counts of defilement and sexual penetration against a minor.

The defendant pleaded not guilty at his arraignment.

The judge, however, granted him bail in the sum of N50 million with two sureties in like sum, the sureties must have landed property in Lagos State.

Both sureties must also provide evidence of tax payments in the last three years.

Among the conditions of the bail granted him, the defendant must deposit his international passport including his British passport.

The judge stated that original documents of the property must be submitted to the registrar of the court.

Earlier in the proceedings, the Defence Counsel, Mr Babatunde Ogala, SAN, sought for bail his client on the premise that the defendant-applicant is willing to go on in his trial because he is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

He added that his professional colleagues are willing to stand as sureties and for the fact that he is a leading cancer non-governmental organisation treatment provider.

According to Ogala: “He is ready to provide reliable and credible sureties.

“He has not denied the fact that he has been under investigation in a matter that started in 2021, the defendant has not failed to appear before the police, he on his own walked into this court.”

However, the Director, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Dr Babajide Martins, argued that the condition for bail is well noted in the law, noting that the charge against him attracts a life sentence.

He said, “Though we haven’t been given any previous record of the accuse.”

He urged the court to consider that the closeness of the complainants who is the wife and wife’s niece, may cause a likelihood of interference of the witnesses.

Both counsels argued before the court, citing authorities to win the argument for bail or not.

Upon pronouncement of the bail conditions, a junior counsel asked that the judge allowed its client to perfect the bail within seven days.

Countering this oral submission, the prosecution counsel, Mr Martins, said, “I have not heard of an extant rule permitting that.

The judge thereafter ruled that the defendant be remanded in a correctional facility.

Meanwhile, the judge has fixed the trial for December, 19 and 21, 2022.

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