June 29, 2024

A’Ibom State govt employs 1000 teachers into secondary schools


*Head of Civil Service, Akwa Ibom State, Effiong Essien.

The Akwa Ibom State Governor Mr. Udom Emmanuel has approved the release of appointment letters to 1000 recruited secondary school teachers in the state

This was disclosed by the Head of Civil Service (HOS) Akwa Ibom State, Effiong Essien on Tuesday, 7 September,2021 during a live phone-in programme, the Mandate on Planet Radio, 101.1FM.

Elder Essien reacting to reports that the recent recruitment of 1000 secondary school teachers have been grounded because of the interference by the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly.

According to the HOS, the House of Assembly merely wanted clarification on the processes deployed in the recruitment, which were accordingly provided.

He informed that the Governor’s directive is to enable the Board to inject more hands into the state’s public secondary schools, for effective teaching and learning, as schools resume for the new academic session.

Essien explained that this was a conscious effort by the government to meet the student-teacher ratio in line with global best practices.

The Head of Civil Service, who is also the Chairman of the Recruitment Committee, expressed appreciation to the Governor for his sincere concern and effort at repositioning the education sector as demonstrated in the huge investment in the development of infrastructure and engagement of more teachers.

Essien also commended the goodwill of the present administration at settling the backlog of gratuities owed retired primary school teachers and the next of kin of their deceased counterparts.

He explained that the payment is done in batches because of the huge financial implication and assured those yet to be paid to show understanding as the exercise is a continuous one.

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