June 29, 2024

Actor Victor Decker, 72 found death in his Abuja apartment



Veteran actor Victor Decker is dead. His decomposing body was found inside his Abuja apartment on Monday, actress Nazareth Jesse has said.

Nazareth, who is the chairman/mayor of the Abuja chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, said this on Tuesday.

“Yes, Victor Decker is dead. I am in the mortuary where they want to embalm him. I am not aware of the cause of his death. I just got a call that his neighbours did not see him for days, so they got concerned. They went to his house, knocked on his door but got no response so they had to break down the door. That was when they saw him sitting on his chair lifeless.

“He was already smelling as he was decomposing. I rushed down there to arrange the necessary things. I had to obtain a police report and cars to convey him to a hospital. I took him to several hospitals, but they rejected him because his body was already decomposing.

“At about 3 am this morning, we were referred to a private hospital in Bwari, Abuja, where they accepted his body. This morning, they are embalming his body, but they need to first reduce its size as he has swollen,” she wrote.

Decker starred in films like Double Strings, If I am President and Lotanna.

He was a member of the Abuja branch of the Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN).

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