June 29, 2024

SUBEB condemns vandalization of infrastructure in A’Ibom schools


Ini Billie, Uyo
Akwa Ibom State Universal Basic Education (SUBEB), has condemned vandalization of infrastructure in public primary schools in the state, saying it was alarming.
Speaking with our correspondent over the weekend in Uyo, Board member of SUBEB, in charge of Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District, Sir John Udoh attributed the infrastructural problems experienced in many public primary schools in the state on theft and vandalism, and not lack of government’s provision of such facilities.
Udoh mentioned that during schools’ inspection, it was discovered that hoodlums invade schools and cart away various items, adding that they brazenly steal roofs of classrooms and pupils’ desks, most times in broad day light.
He revealed that the water cistern, wash hand basins, overhead tank etc installed by the government in UBE school at Itam, Uyo were all removed in the day time, noting that such action drags the government behind.
He wondered why some people would vandalize property in their locality meant to be beneficial to everyone, and called on members of the communities where schools are cited, especially on community leaders and youths to own those facilities and protect them for the benefit of their people.
“There is too much of vandalism in our schools. The public should protect government properties within their domain.
“It is disheartening that government will provide toilet facilities and human beings will destroy it. For instance, at the primary school in Itam, UBE school, hoodlums removed the overhead tank. They drove a pickup car to the place and removed the overhead tank in broad day light.
“The question is, who will suffer it? What is wrong with the village? They just did it to spite the governor; It was built in Itam. When I went to UBE primary school for inspection, we discovered that they have removed everything, the WCs, the wash hand basins, the seats. This is a recurring thing in so many schools in the state.
“Some places we have gone, human beings will wake up in the night and remove the roofs. In a school in Obio Imo, some people removed the roofs. Though government has gone ahead to build a perimeter fence and provided dual carriage desks, at the end of the day they will break into the place that was locked and take the chairs and desks and other items.
“The rate of abuse of government property is alarming. There are some local government areas we visited for inspection, we discovered that they have removed the pumps that supply water to the school,” he stated.
The Board member who described the actions as sabotage to government efforts, said people assume that government is not providing infrastructure and wondered why pupils sit on the floor to learn.
He however stated that even though government would eventually replace the vandalised facilities, it does not happen immediately, as such, it gives a false impression of neglect.
He disclosed that the state government has built over 100 modern classroom blocks with magnetic boards, drilled portable boreholes, constructed perimeter fences, and given schools across the state a facelift, adding the projects were possible through the state’s counterpart funding with the federal government.

“People will say government is not providing infrastructure, why are our children sitting on the floor? They forget that these desks are not made and kept somewhere. I’m talking as a person in charge of school services. It takes a little while for the person constructing the desk to finish.

“I appeal to the public to desist from the act; to the different communities and village heads to assist government to protect these properties for they are their own.

“Many states refused to harness the facility of counterpart funding but Governor Udom Emmanuel does that, that is the funds we are using to do all those things, providing those infrastructure.

“We are building boreholes in our schools, that is because we want to stop our children from running to the road to get water and the borehole is treated, many schools we built newly across the state have magnet board,” Udoh revealed.

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