June 18, 2024

Special constabularies protest, demand 18-month salary arrears


The Osun State Police Command on Wednesday recorded a shocking development as police special constable embarked on a peaceful protest over the non-payment of 18 months’ salary, carrying various placards to press home their demands.

Penpushing reports that the aggrieved policemen gathered at the Oke-Fia roundabout and through Alekunwodo to the Olaiya areas of Osogbo, the state capital, lamenting over their plights, adding that the ugly development had caused them their wives to be snatched.

The placards have inscriptions such as “Pay us now,” “We’re dying,” We’re hungry,” “18 months no kobo,” “Okada riders are sleeping with our wives, our wives have been snatched, some colleagues have died among others.

Penpushing further reports that the protesters said they are committed to their duties, and despite that fact they were not paid, hence, could not take care of their family’s needs, emphasizing that three of their colleagues lost their lives in the course of discharging their duties

‘Our wives have been snatched because of our inability to provide for the families. We lost three persons in Ikire and one in Iree. These people died in the course of discharging their duty. We are very dutiful despite the fact that we have not been paid a dime

Penpushing also reports that, one of the aggrieved constables identified as Adewale Tijani explained that they took their complaints to local government and notable dignitaries in the state, but all efforts to address the issue had been fruitless

‘Due to unpaid allowances, tricycle and Okada riders have snatched our wives because of our inability to take care of them. We have gone to the local government, honourables, and dignitaries and yet nothing is done’, he said.

Penpushing reports that another constable, Ibrahim Adenekan, lamented that he could not take care of his family because he had not been paid for 18 months, adding that he has two children and a wife

“I have two children and a wife. I have not been able to provide for their needs since I started working. What is the essence of working? They should just pay our money, that is what we want,” he said.

Penpushing further reports that the Commissioner of Police in the state, Wale Olokode while addressing the constabularies, urged them to send their grievances through appropriate channels rather than staging a protest.

“You are embarrassing the force with your protest, you should have channelled your grievances to the appropriate quarters. It’s just like you are disturbing public peace with your protests. As far as you are wearing this uniform, we expect you to maintain a high level of discipline as a force man’, Olokode said.

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