June 29, 2024

Retired customs officer chops off 10-year-old girl’s finger over missing N50


A retired Customs officer has reportedly chopped off the middle finger of a 10-year-old girl, who was living with her at their Oko-Afo home, along Badagry Road.

Vanguard reports that the woman sent the victim, Hawau, to take N200 from the N250 she kept on the fridge, to get a certain drug for her.

However, trouble started when Hawau returned from the errand and her guardian asked her for the N50 that should have been left.

It was learnt that the woman immediately dragged the 10-year-old girl inside her room, brought out a machete, and chopped off one of her fingers.

Crying for justice, Hawau’s mother said the painful part is that the said missing N50 was later found.

She added that the suspected perpetrator was boasting that no police could arrest her.

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