June 18, 2024

Police react to the alleged murder of UNIUYOU graduate



Etim Effiong

The Akwa Ibom State Police Command has spoken on the alleged murder of a fresh graduate of the Universiyt of Uyo, Kubiat Isaac, by its men.

Isaac was said to be waiting for his NYSC call up letter in November when he was arrested at Eni Stores by the police around 7 pm on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 over suspicion of cultism and armed robbery.

It was alleged that Isaac was tortured to death by the police that same night.

The Commissioner of Police, Akwa Ibom State Command, Andrew Amiengheme, in press statement on Saturday, ordered full scale investigation and the arrest of the Assistant Superintendent of Police who carried out the arrest.

The Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Odiko Macdon, who signed the statement noted that the commissioner has ordered that autopsy be conducted to determine the cause of his death.

“The attention of the Akwa Ibom State Police Command has been drawn to news making the rounds on social media that one Kubiat Isaac who was arrested at Eni Stores was beaten to death by a policeman.

“It is expedient to state that the said Kubiat Isaac was being investigated for the offence of suspected armed robbery and cultism and had been evading arrest for some time.

“He was traced to and arrested at Eni Stores on the 29th of August 2021 and taken for questioning. On arrival at the Division, the DPO ordered that he be transferred to the State CID where the case was pending for a discreet investigation. Unfortunately, the Suspect said he was sick. He was taken to the Police Clinic for treatment but gave up the ghost in the process.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP AMIENGHEME ANDREW has ordered for an autopsy to be conducted to determine the cause of death.

“The CP who has great respect for fundamental rights notes that contemporary policing isn’t about torture and should not be tolerated, hence, has vowed that a diligent and transparent investigation will be conducted.

“To actualize this, the CP ordered for the immediate arrest and detention for questioning of one ASP Joweigha Michael who preliminary investigation revealed was the Officer who effected the arrest of the said Kubiat.

“However, the CP condoled with the deceased family and assured that the officer if found culpable, the full weight of the law would be brought to bear, and he will be held accountable for his action.”

Meanwhile, some Nigerians have reacted to the issue saying that the police were already tilting the conversation along a very predictable tangent.

One of the respondents, Mr Bolton, asked, “Why didn’t we hear from the police until the young man had died.

“Why wasn’t he charged? Where’s the report of the preliminary investigation that led to his arrest? Why did the young man not die of his sickness at home?

A guy who was chilling out with friends at Enj Stores couldn’t have been that seriously ill, could he? And even if he was, what did they do to him to aggravate the situation? Who else was aware that the young man was being investigated by the police on those allegations?

“Even if he was a cultist, he should have been arrested and given access to his lawyer at least, and on reporting ill a doctor, shouldn’t he? I hope we’re not going to see afterthought photos of an old, useless pistol from police exhibit room as items that were seized from the suspect?”

Another respondent, who identified himself simply as Etido, said, “the whole saga smells of police torture gone South, because I’ve seen many incidents that started this way in the past.

“It’s so sad that such a young life would go to waste in that manner. Please let’s not let this case die like the young man extrajudicially killed and many others before him. #JusticeForKubiat.”

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