June 26, 2024

Police arrest woman, 27 for murder of septuagenarian, feigns suicide


The Anambra State Police Command has arrested one Ozioma Orakwe, 27 over the alleged murder of a 75-year-old man, Mr Martin Orakwe.

It was alleged that Ozioma, who was arrested on Friday in Agulu community of Anaocha Local Government, murdered the man and lied to the police that her relative died of suicide.

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, it was reported Martin committed suicide in Agulu, Anaocha LGA, with no reason adduced for the action.

The Police Public Relations Officer in the state command, DSP Toochukwu Ikenga in a statement in Awka on Friday, noted that the men of the command were alerted over the development.

Ikenga explained that findings had shown that the man was murdered and set up to look like he committed suicide.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP Echeng Echeng, has today 4/3/2022 admonished citizens to always seek other means of settling their differences than resorting to fighting and violence.

“The CP gave this counsel while reacting to arrest of one Ozioma Orakwe, ‘f’ and aged 27 on the alleged murder of Martin Orakwe ‘m’ aged 75 of Amatutu village, Agulu Anaocha LGA.

“Against the report received on 2/3/2022 at 3:08 pm from one Mr Martin Orakwe of alleged suicide by the deceased, preliminary investigation reveals that the victim had a cut on his head with marks of violence all over his body.

“Additional information shows that before the death of the victim, he had a disagreement with the suspect which resulted in a fight.

“The deceased was said to have died in a fight, and to cover her track, Orakwe set him up to look like a case of suicide,” Ikenga said.

The police said its operatives have recovered the body of the deceased and the suspect had also made a useful statement that is helping in the ongoing investigation. He stated that the case would be charged after a conclusive investigation.

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