June 29, 2024

Ogun State police apprehend teacher for defiling 13-year-old pupil


Glory Ebomah

Police in Ogun State have arrested a 25-year-old class teacher, Ayobami Oluwatobiloba Runsewe, for defiling a 13-year-old pupil.

A statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, Ogun State Command, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, noted that the teacher, who taught at a nursery and primary school in Ago Iwoye, was arrested on Thursday, May 19, 2022, by the police for having unlawful carnal knowledge of his pupil.

He said: “The suspect was arrested following a report lodged at Ago Iwoye divisional headquarters by the victim’s mother, who came to the station with the victim and reported that the suspect lured the victim to his house at Ayegbami area of Ago Iwoye after the school lesson around 4:30 pm and forcefully had unlawful carnal knowledge of her.

“Upon the report, the DPO Ago Iwoye, SP Noah Adekanye detailed his detectives to the scene, where the randy teacher was promptly arrested.

“On interrogation, he initially denied having anything with the victim, but when the victim confronted him, he was unable to say anything further.”

According to the PPRO, the Commissioner of Police, CP Lanre Bankole has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to the anti-human trafficking and child labour unit of the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for further investigation and possible prosecution.

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