June 30, 2024

I receive vision Senator Akpan is best person to lead A’Ibom – Sen. Ekpenyong


Akpan Umoh, Uyo

The Senator representing Akwa Ibom North West Senatorial District, Christopher Ekpenyong has described Sen. Bassey Akpan as the best person to lead the state as Governor come 2023.

Speaking at his country home in Ikot Ukana in Obot Akara Local Government Area on Saturday, Ekpenyong said he received the revelation from God.

He described Akpan as a man of vision that can match a word with action and whose pedigree as well as credentials have proven him fitted to lead the state.

“Senator Bassey Akpan’s loyalty always amazes me. You know by ranking in the Senate, he was supposed to be called leader, but he always calls me leader not behind me but in the presence of other senators.

“This is the governor that has come to see us. I am so thrilled and carried away in the spirit of seeing the calibre of people who have accompanied him.

“I entered the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2019 over the exchange of baton between me and my brother Sen. Godswill Akpabio and I want to tell you that Senator Bassey Akpan is the pillar of the Senate.

“For a minority in the state and party, because PDP lost the centre to be made the Chairman of Upstream in the Senate. Upstream is the live wire of the Nigerian economy.

“Fortunately, because Akpan is there and his relationship with the Senate President, he added me to be a member of the Downstream and Midstream Committee and I am a member of 10 Committees in the Senate.

“What I know is that God has revealed to me that Sen. Bassey Akpan will be the best for Akwa Ibom State. Akpan has the vision and connections that sometimes I imagine whether he is from Akwa Ibom; with him, I can go to bed and sleep,” Ekpenyong said.

Ekpenyong prayed for God’s guidance and protection on Sen. Akpan till the elections were over, assuring him that since he had already gotten the backing of the people, his ambition will be successful.

Earlier, the governorship aspirant had assured Ekpenyong that he would address youth unemployment in the area and across the state if voted into power.

Akpan said that would be done by generating a resourceful data bank to identify the gaps and core issues limiting the development of the youths to enable them to become self-sustenance.

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