June 26, 2024

Gunmen ambush police patrol team escorting kidnap suspects to Asaba


Some Police operatives attached to the Jesse Police Division, Delta State who were escorting kidnappers to the State Police Command, Asaba, were ambushed by gunmen.

The Network gathered that the police team led by an Assistant Superintendent of Police was taking about eight kidnapped victims to Asaba when some gunmen attacked them.

Security said that the police team ran into the ambush at a location between Akwukwuagbor and Uterum in Ika North Local Government Area.

The Network gathered that the police team put up a fight with the gunmen suspected to the allies of the arrested kidnap suspects but lost the driver, identified as Inspector Andrew.

The source said further that some of the policemen sustained gunshot injuries and are being treated in an undisclosed hospital.

However, three of the kidnappers were hit by bullets and died during the exchange of gunfire.

The source said, “There was an attack on a police patrol team by some hoodlums.

“The police driver, an inspector and three of the kidnap suspects died in the attack.

“Although, one cannot say exactly what happened there seems to be a likelihood that those who attacked the police might be members of the same kidnap ring.

“One cannot Tuke out the possibility that they might have acted on the information.

“The attack took place at Akwukuagbor and Uterum in Ika North Local Government Area.”

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