June 26, 2024

Groups call on govts to support fish farmers


Akpan Umoh, Uyo

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF), and Kebetkache Women Development and Resource Centre have appealed to both the state and the Federal Governments to support fish farmers to help boost and sustain fishery business in the country.

The Project Lead for HOMEF, Mr Stephen Oduware, who spoke during a two-day capacity-building workshop for fishermen on Thursday, said governments should support through the provision of technical know-how on the modern methods of fish farming.

Oduware said many fishermen were working hard with old and outdated tools, adding that when the government refocused attention to the area, it would create more employment opportunities as well as serve as a source of income generation for people who engage in the business.

He expressed displeasure that in spite of the abundant fishing potential Nigeria was still not self-sufficient in fish, rather depends largely on imported fish. 

“We are here to meet with Ibeno fishers. The idea is to discuss with them, and highlight the issues they are facing in their community as regards to their business.

“We are also to discuss with them how they can be able to organise themselves to demand their rights. It is to expose them to the right that they have, like the right to health, dissent occupation and a healthy environment.

“Information is key, we cannot do everything. We are advocating for a proper structure like a port, where fishermen will have access to freezers, modern drying cans, good storage system among others.

“This is a call to government because these people are among the most unrepresented people and under-save. So, the government should do more to protect these people and their businesses. 

“They should provide the necessary infrastructure needed by them to make their businesses thrive they are the ones feeding the nation,” Oduware said.

In her remarks, Mrs Emem Okon, the Director of Kebetkache Women Development and Resource Centre, said that women also play a key role in the fishery business and urged the government to support the sector. 

She decried the propensity of oil spillages and gas flaring, particularly in the Niger Delta region, stressing that these have negatively impacted on fishermen and their businesses.

One of the participants, Mrs Elizabeth Udoette, said that if the government could pay close attention to the fishing business, it could help to make fish abundance for export.

Udoette decried that oil spills are gradually making some seafood go into extinction, appealing to the government to rescue the industry. Another participant, Mr Joshua Ben, a fisherman, appealed to governments to assist fishermen with grants and interest-free-loan to enable them to expand their businesses. 

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