June 26, 2024

Group seeks forensic audit in six geo-political zones


Ini Billie, Uyo

The Niger Delta Conscience Coalition (NDCC), a non-government organisation is seeking for the extension of the just concluded forensic audit on the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) across the six geo-political zones in the country.
The group argued that if the Niger Delta region that bears the golden egg could subject itself to self cleansing, then she has become the force of Nigeria’s purge for a new beginning.
The President and Secretary of the group, Mr Aniefiok Obot and Mr John Jumbo respectively, said in a press statement made available to newsmen on Tuesday in Uyo that the success of NDDC’s forensic audit made it imperative for the model to be replicated across all the Ministries, Departmentsand Agencies (MDAs) of government nation wide.
“It should be noted that by the agreement of the region that bears the golden egg to self -cleansing audit of this nature, she has become the force of Nigeria’s purge towards hope for a new beginning.
“The federal government had anticipated and rightly so too that a purge of the NDDC is capable of catalysing her anti corruption initiative, since the elites in almost all geopolitical zones would most definitely have had one finger or other in the sleaze jar that the NDDC is known to have become.
“That is why it has become imperative that with the monumental success this audit has come to be identified as, it should become an adopted model to be replicated across all MDA’s of government nation wide,” the statement stated.
The group described the efforts of the Niger Delta Minister, Senator Godswill Akpabio in the exercise as an uncommon courage and gallantry and applauded him for the audit.
“We, this coalition hereby rise once again in commendation of your uncommon courage and gallantry in putting a lie to all the spurious accusers and finger-pointers by successfully bringing to conclusion the forensic audit initiated by the president into the activities of the Niger Delta development Commission (NCDC) and submitting a comprehensive detail and all-encompassing report to your boss, the President and Commander In-Chief of the Armed Forces, President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFRN).
“This report which is the single biggest corporate push by any administration at curbing systematic corruption since the existence of Nigeria has fulfilled both the legal requirement of transparency and fair hearing as well as come within the framework of the enabling Act which set up the intervention Agency.
“And so look poised to hopefully breathing fresh reinvigorating air into the institution, thereby bringing succour to the teeming communities across the Delta that has until now been shackled by infrastructural deficit since their creation inspite of the hope that the intervention of the federal government held through the creation that August agency.
“However, this recourse to whimsical conspiracy of name calling, stampeding and acrimony on the person of the Honourable Minister since the submission of this report is both baseless and counter productive as it is sentimentally aimed to shift public focus away from the main thrust of this report, being essentially the recovery of the humongous sums of the monies stolen by unscrupulous individuals and corporate bodies through the abandonment of contracts across the Niger Delta and the channelization of those funds back into productive projects for the enhancement of lives of the masses which primarily was the original intention of the government in establishing that agency,” the group added.

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