June 18, 2024

E-hailing association urges FG to regulate activity in Nigeria


Etim Ekpimah
The Professional E-hailing Drivers and Private Owners Association (PEDPA) on Saturday called on Federal Government to fully regulate the E-hailing sector in the country.
Mr Idris Shonuaga, the President, PEDPA, made the appeal during a Seminar on Safety and Insurance in Lagos.
The safety Seminar was organised by the association in collaboration with Universal Insurance Company.
Shonuaga stated that the E-hailing business had become a very important transport unit in Nigeria.
“The business has become a significant transport unit in Nigeria, haven rendered well over 1.5 million trip across the country.
“These are teeming youths who subscribe to this means to solve the transportation problem in Nigeria.
“So govt need to regulate the sector because there are lots of things that are not good in the sector,” Shonuaga said.
According to him, FG needed to mandate all App companies to establish a transportation unit at their bisiness service unit adding that most of the the companies hide under technology whereas they are selling transportation services.
He said that they also needed to advocate for adequate working benefits and health management scheme as well as having access to soft loan or car loan sbecause the vehicles undergoes ware and tear since it has become their offices.
“It is professional Nigerians who renders the services commutting passenger from one point to another, moving passenger with good customer comportment.
“We have well over 75000 Nigerians who subscribe to this kind of trade.
“It is almost impossible for drivers to renew their car because there is no mechanism for loans.
“Hence we need to create a better atmosphere for drivers to do there work without any challenge,” he said.
The president added that over 50,000 youths were currently in engaging in E-hailing business reducing the unemployment rate in the country.
However, drivers should be entitled to a pension scheme, adding that certain percentage should be set aside in their corporative wallet for special scheme and mortgage plan.

He said the association on their part has partnered with Universal Insurance company to secure E-hailing business, protect the life of the drivers and their and make create an instalmental payment mechanism for the process.
Also speaking, Dr Benedict Ujuatuonu, Managing Director, Universal Insurance company urged drivers to key into the insurance package adding that the company has made it affordable and convinient via technology.
Ujuatuonu said that they can buy, lodge complains and get all the services recquired through their phones without the intervention of anybody most importantly in the event of eventualities they would have their claims.
“There is also an extended personal accident cover that provides cover to drivers incase is injured during accident which is first of its kind,” he said.

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