June 26, 2024

COVID-19: Emmanuel praises religious organisations in empathising with needy



Akpan Umoh, Uyo

Gov. Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom has commended the role of religious organisations in the country for identifying and empathising with the needy, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, which has negatively impacted on the fortunes of the less-privileged.

Emmanuel stated this while hosting the International Confederation Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Lagos who paid him a courtesy call in Uyo on Tuesday.

The Governor, who was represented by the Deputy, Mr Moses Ekpo, used the occasion to restate his government’s commitment that service to humanity would continue to be its utmost priority.

“The poor and the needy are part of the society and cannot be left behind in government’s development agenda. The state government will continue to promote humanity-oriented services, ” Emmanuel said.

He acknowledged the good works the Society of St. Vincent De Paul had been rendering to humanity in godly charity since its inception and assured that they would be supported to continue such services.

Emmanuel said the role of the society was highly complementary to what the government of Akwa Ibom State has been doing to ease the plight of indigent people.

The governor congratulated the organisation on its 60th anniversary and thanked the Church for its prayers, which he observed has kept and sustained the state.

Emmanuel also solicited continued prayers for the peace of the country especially as it was faced with severe security and economic challenges.

Earlier, the National President of the International Confederation Society of St. Vincent De Paul, Mr Kim Emmanuel, said the Society was one of such groups in the Catholic Church with functions mainly on sacred charity.

He said apart from their charity services, they also pay visits to correctional centres, aid widows and the less privileged, among others.

The president said they were in Uyo as one of the three zones slated for the celebration of the Society’s 60th anniversary.

He appealed for support from the state government to aid their movement within the state and continuous service to humanity.

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