June 29, 2024

Police arrest 242 robbers, 192 for cultism in Ikorodu


Etim Effiong

The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command, Hakeem Odumosu, on Wednesday, said the command has handled192 cult-related cases and arrested 242 armed robbers within Ikorodu Division within a year.

According to him, 28 arms and 120 ammunitions have been recovered from suspected criminals while 17 vehicles were impounded and 18 reported cases were recorded over criminality within the division.

Odumosu said this at the 2021 Ikorodu Town Hall meeting on security which pulled the traditional rulers, security operatives, vigilance groups and residents to the venue of the meeting at Ikorodu Town Hall, Lagos State.

Odumosu stated that out of the figures, 172 cases have successfully been charged to court and are being processed at various courts of law in the State.

He said, “Stakeholders to support the command in unravelling the mysteries behind the security challenges confronting this ancient town.”

The CP added that the achievement recorded so far was made possible through the deployment of various Anti-Crime strategies to the Division.

To ensure that the fight against insecurity records a huge success in the Division, the Commissioner seized the occasion to banish road side trading, indiscriminate parking of vehicles at Ikorodu round-about calling on market and union leaders to checkmate their followers within the area.

He warned market men and women to obey Covid-19 Pandemic protocols in order to curb the spread of the virus.

He added that the Command will deploy more Police personnel to Ikorodu to combat the lingering insecurity to ensure the safety of lives and properties in the area. He said, “residents of Ikorodu should be rest assured about the presence of the Police in Ikorodu while all those who have been engaging in criminality should please relocate out of Ikorodu.”

The traditional ruler of Ikorodu, Oba Kabiru Shotobi warned, land owners to desist from inviting land grabbers to forment trouble in various community saying henceforth, those found culpable will face the wrath of the law.

In his remark, the Chairman, Ikorodu Local Government, Wasiu Adesina said all the six local government chairmen in the Division have agreed to work together, to curb insecurity challenges in the Division.

Adesina who spoke on behalf of all the local government chairmen in the Division, said the chairmen are ready to synergize with the Nigeria Police in curtailing insecurity and criminalities in the Division.

 He said his local government has plans to purchase three operational vehicles  to enhance their security operations in the area.

Also, the Chairman, Ikorodu-Oga Development Association (IKODAS), Segun Abiru called on National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), to on regular basis, raid all the drug selling joints within the Division.

He called for unity among the security agencies in the Division and urged the Nigeria Police Force to increase the number of Police formations due to the increasing population of residents within the Division.

Abiru urged the government to create a security endowment fund to curb the menace of insecurity and advised parents to raise qualitative children.

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