July 3, 2024

Emmanuel inaugurates 6.64km Ring Road, drains to tackle flood

Emmanuel inaugurates 6.64km Ring Road, drains to tackle flood

Ini Billie, Uyo

The Akwa Ibom State Governor, Mr Udoma Emmanuel has inaugurated the 6.64 km Ring Road 2 and drains to tackle the flooding on Abak and Aka roads in Uyo.

Speaking during the inauguration of the road on Friday in Uyo, Emmanuel stated that the road inauguration heralds another phase of the project’s inauguration before he exits government on May 29.

The governor, who renamed the Ring Road as ‘Chief Udoidiong Drive’ noted that all the roads billed for inauguration would be named after people who have worked for the growth of the state.

“This commissioning today, we have taken into consideration the drainage system. When the flood was ravaging every other state capital, we were spared because of many investments we’ve done underground.

“If you check underground, it can take a whole big car underground, everything around this area has been channelled underground to Aka Road. We are still in this Shelter Afrique trying to tar roads; we have more than five and I hope we will be able to commission it.

“Those in the Atan Affot area, I told them that the day I’ll leave office, I will not leave a single road in Attan Affot and now 15 roads in Attan Affot with side drains have been done and there is no place in the area that is not tarred. We are able to achieve all these because of your support,” he stated.

Also speaking, Commissioner for Work, Prof. Eno Ibanga commended Governor Emmanuel for the support in the execution of his Jon and Chief Executive Officer, HENSEK Integrated Services, Engr. Uwem Okoko for ensuring the road projects were completed.

“The details of this road had taken care of everything that will tend to sustainability. We have a 4-metre median that is paved, that runs from the beginning of this road to the end. Both sides of this road have drains and this road carries a 3.32 underground drain that carries all water out of this arena and Aka Road end. When the rain comes, you don’t have any course for alarm.

“We have 60mm binder course and 50mm railing course of the main alignment. This roundabout is made of 70-metre asphaltic course. That means in the next 50 years as the Lord tarries, this road will stand the test of time.

“I want to thank you, Your Excellency, for believing in one man, HENSEK Integrated Services. He has been a source of joy. Your Excellency, I want to thank you for believing in me. You have told us that anything that we do, we can always accomplish.

“I want to thank all Akwa Ibomites for the support for my boss, his Excellency, the Governor, to accomplish this feat as a state. Your Excellency, I gave you 12 projects to the commission, but you only trimmed it to five. I am sure before we exist, you are going to commission more,” he stated.

On his part, Chief Executive Officer, HENSEK Integrated Services, Engr. Uwem Okoko assured the government and the people of the state that the road was durable.

He pledged to maintain the roads he has constructed free of charge without cost to the government in case of any defect, saying the roads have taken care of the flood problem in the area.

“Your Excellency, I want to thank God, I want to thank you for giving us another opportunity to finish your vision on this Ring Road 2, an engineering masterpiece.

“This road is a dual carriageway, 3.32, when you take both sides is, 6.64km of road. It is 10 metres wide, it has a walkway of 1.2 km on both sides and has an underground drainage system running across the entire length of the road.

“It is 5 metres deep, 1.5 metres by 1.5 metres by 0.2 metres running from this side of Abak road to the IBB flood control canal. From Aka Road, we have a 1.3 by 1.3 by 0.15 metres underground drainage running to the IBB control canal.

“Your Excellency, with this, you have solved the flood problem of Ring Road 2 and adjourning communities here. I want to give specifications for the asphalt: you have 60mm binders course and 50mm wearing course. You have 200mm thick stone base, you have over 4 metres thick of deep compacted laterite.

“Your Excellency, you have built this road to last a generation. I want to say it will be a minimum of 100 years before anybody will talk about the maintenance of this road.

“And as long as I live, I give Akwa Ibom State government a guarantee that HENSEK will maintain this road free of charge in case of any defect,” he stated.

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