June 29, 2024

Lagos police crush impounded commercial motorbikes


Glory Ebomah

The Lagos State Police Command on Saturday crushed motorbikes seized at different times and locations for contravening various traffic laws at the Alausa Secretariat, Ikeja.

The Commissioner of Police, Hakeem Odumosu, said the crushing exercise has been ongoing since the enforcement started.

He added that the Saturday’s exercise was made public to convince members of the public, especially the doubting Thomas’s that the impounded motorbikes had been crushed contrary to insinuations by mischief makers that the motorbikes were being sold and recycled.

The CP, therefore, wishes to warn erring motorbike operators plying restricted areas and those violating other traffic laws or using motorbikes for criminal activities in the state to have a change of mind or face the legal consequences.

Odumosu, however, assured that the crushing exercise will be a continuous one to discourage people from trampling upon the law, and reiterate determination of the police command to enforce the law.

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